Online Poker is a Social Activity

People play poker for various reasons. They run into many different personality types at the poker table, both online and in the casino poker rooms. Many times your observation is that most of the people you encounter are quite friendly and they seem to enjoy the social aspect afforded by poker. This is only one reason people gather around the felt. Other reasons include:

  1. Competitiveness 
  2. Gambling to make money 
  3. Having fun 
  4. Compulsive gambling 
  5. Adrenaline rushes 
  6. Actively refining ones knowledge of the game 

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Poker in the White House with Abraham Lincoln

In the United States, the game of poker, whether it is online poker or live tournaments, not only a popular pastime, it is also an integral part of the history and culture, from the 18th century Wild West to recent times. Hunting down the history, we realize how many past leaders take pleasure in the occasional game of poker. They have been of this nation and proved to take special interest in Texas Hold’em poker. 

An expertise crucial to be a successful politician is not contrary to the one essential to flourish as a poker shark. This is especially valid for poker online games, where studying players, is sometimes essential to one’s entire success than reading cards. 

Elected officials preferred to sharpen political abilities at poker table

Interaction at poker table can appear like hard negotiations where parties inclined to keep their cards close to chest. And they also attempt to one-up each other with a well-placed bluff. It’s not precisely amazing that numerous elected officials. Even those at the highest levels of politics – prefer to sharpen their political abilities at the poker table.  Continue reading “Poker in the White House with Abraham Lincoln”