Flush the Opponent in Online Poker

Unleash online poker and know the tricks and tips that can lead you to an emphatic win. When it is online poker, you must learn the hands categories properly. You may be amazed to know that some of the hand categories can earn you a sustainable mileage. Let us understand the hands categories and the jargons used to describe them in the world of poker online. 

If two out of the five cards are from same rank then it is called a pair in the vocabulary of online poker. It is necessary that the other 3 cards should be completely unrelated. The remaining cards are considered when a tie comes in before. Similarly if two pairs can be formed in your hands with the fifth one remains unrelated, it is called Two Pairs. The bottom pair is used to break the tie.  Continue reading “Flush the Opponent in Online Poker”

The Playing Chances Against Poker Bots

In the recent times online gaming industry is going through increasing craze for playing online poker. It has also seen the tremendous growth in the number of poker lovers. Robots (computer bots) made who can play for human. For those who are unaware of this term, computer bots are the programs or you can say. They are computer artificial poker players who have the ability to make quick. And smart poker choices against real poker players. 

In short, it is the game real poker online player versus virtual players. All you require to do is buy one of these poker bots and connect it to your game by proper installation. 

Poker bots can very well begin playing without any guidance from your part and can do a better job than you can. Most humans are open to emotions and are sometimes looking for adrenaline in a game. Bots are disciplined and they will never go on a tilt. Discipline is key element in poker and always pays off in the end. There are many great poker strategy books out there but most players remember less than 20% of it and they often over-use the few strategies they remember. Bots can learn a large set of strategies and only apply them when most appropriate.  Continue reading “The Playing Chances Against Poker Bots”

Does It Sound Amazing To Have Poker Career?

Imagine you play poker online all day. Not having to report to a strict boss. Not having to meet suffocating deadlines or the suffocating conferences. And not being stuck within the same cubicle days after days. Have you hit a jackpot? 

Well, people who picked Poker as their career are living a free life without the eyes of office bosses behind their back. Let us tell you why that is! 

Take it and make it 

A full time job or a fleeting one, poker online will not crib on the commitment you make. It’s totally up to you. Be your own boss and carry on with your poker whenever you wish to.  Continue reading “Does It Sound Amazing To Have Poker Career?”

Know the History Behind Famous Poker Term

When playing the online poker, it is compulsory that you come across some of the terms every now and then. But are you actually aware of some of the quite interesting history hidden about those terms. We guess you are not and hence, we have brought to you some of these terms and their history. 

You and all your poker online friends will find that the origin and history of these words is actually pretty funny. Let’s explore: 

The Nuts 

This poker term means having the best possible hands. There are two potentials about how this term originated. 

Back in old west, the poker players could bet almost anything they posses at a game. This anything comprised in the nuts which held the wheels of their wagon in place. Without the wagon wheel nuts, the player would get stranded and might die.  Continue reading “Know the History Behind Famous Poker Term”

Flopping the Nut Hand in Texas Hold’em Poker

The nut is the term for the best hand in online poker. If you flop the nut hand, it might seem wonderful, but it isn’t as great as it looks. Or, rather, it’s great, but you still need to know how to play it properly. Otherwise, it won’t get you the most chips. 

You see, having the nut hand is all about chip extraction. Individuals don’t want everyone to fold to you. You want them to stay in the pot and make it grow. The idea is to extract as many chips as you can from them, as the hand progresses. 

Of course, a lot depends on how much of a nut hand you have. What I mean by that is that you may have the best possible hand in poker online after the flop, but your hand may be beatable on the turn or river. On the other hand, you might flop the absolute nuts, such as an ace high flush, which cannot be beaten, even if your opponent sees the last two cards.  Continue reading “Flopping the Nut Hand in Texas Hold’em Poker”

5 Simple Tricks for Small Stakes Cash Games

Numerous people struggle to break through in a big way in online poker small stakes cash games. Perhaps they squeak by with break-even results or they even become minor winners. But most people want to win big. Indeed, for numerous that is the main reason for playing the game. 

The key to accomplishing that goal is to learn how to exploit the small edges. Most other people do not know about or do not apply often enough. Here are five simple strategy tips that will help increase players’ profit margins in poker online low stakes cash games. 

Steal the Blinds 

Most people think they do a good job of stealing the blinds. But numerous still pass up a lot of golden opportunities to do so. It is simply a fact that the button and the cutoff will be by far the most profitable seats for players at the poker online table. Why on earth, then, would players’ not exploit the heck out of this when it is folded to players’ in these positions?  Continue reading “5 Simple Tricks for Small Stakes Cash Games”

Poker Tells Which Can Betray Your Hand

As a poker player you should be well-versed in the art of body language as it can reveal much about your opponents’ intentions. With careful observation, you can discern whether a person is out to make love to you or to lop your head off.  

This art applies to online poker in that you can read “tells” on everyone around the table. Poker tells is a repetitive signal which divulges a players hand and intentions. Apply your knowledge of body language to a situation relevant to the environment. Distinct gestures may be repeated in distinct circumstances. For example, a player who fiddles with his chips before a move intending to force you into a check. He can disclose his hand (or narrow the options down) as well as his thought pattern.   Continue reading “Poker Tells Which Can Betray Your Hand”

5 Myth linked to Professional Poker Players

We, the poker online players, can find heaps of myths for poker games. However, on numerous occasions the game is often misrepresented. There are a number of myths the general non-poker playing audience have about the professional poker players playing the game. Here is a small list of a few of them: 

The pros have genius-level IQ 

The misconception exists that to play poker online professionally, you need to be a genius. While the best players do have a higher than the average IQ, this is a fact for most professionals in any field. However, you don’t need to be as intelligent as Isaac Newton to play the game.  Continue reading “5 Myth linked to Professional Poker Players”

Poker Gift Ideas to Think About

Are your friends bitten by the online poker bug and you don’t know what gifts to give them? 

If you’re a poker player, this shouldn’t be a problem to you. You will no doubt have ideas on where to go, what to buy, how much the gift would cost, that sort of thing. It would simply be a matter of picking the right poker themed gift for the right person, and that’s it. 

But what if you don’t play the game? It could really be a bit of a challenge to figure out what gift to give to an online poker player when you don’t play the game yourself. Good thing there are a lot of gift advices from different sources such as magazines, home TV shopping, the internet and friends!  Continue reading “Poker Gift Ideas to Think About”

Mucking a Hand in Poker

In the world of online poker terms, the word ‘muck’ has a number of meanings. 

Firstly, it’s used to explain the discarded cards that a dealer would place cards that are no longer in play. This pile of cards ensures that folded cards are kept separate from the hand in play. The burn cards would also be placed into the muck. 

Secondly, it means to fold ones cards. A player can also have their hand mucked if another player tries to fold their hand and one of their cards by chance ends up in another players hole cards. To evade this, players time and again place a chip or card protector on their hole cards (where they don’t otherwise) to keep them secure.  Continue reading “Mucking a Hand in Poker”