Online poker and stock market are two diverse activities with a few uncanny resemblances to each other. Although earning money is a common motive behind both, however the other resemblances will make you awe as well.
The thought of comparing stock market trading with that of playing online games may seem eerie. However, you would be delighted to know that there are many stockbrokers who love playing poker games online because it gives the same thrill as the one that they get while trading in the stock market. With the ascent of some of the best poker sites in India, poker has gained popularity among the Indians as well as the other nationalities.
However, it can be presumably stated that if you’re a good poker player, then you’ll certainly be a good stock broker as well. Still wondering about the similarities between both? Then, read on to know more:
Psychological similarities
Psychologically an investor and a poker player are both very weak. As a trader, a poker player also takes decisions based on emotions like rage, greed for money and becomes overconfident at some point in the middle of the game. Since real money poker assures a lot of winning amount, hence like a trader a poker player plays without pause for earning more and more money. Hence, you may find the psychology and the emotion going similar in both cases.
Risk-taking abilities
The ability to take risks is high whether it’s in poker or in stock trading. So, whether it’s a poker player or a stock trader, both need to be equipped with high risk-taking abilities. Like in a poker tournament, the stock trader is also required to be calm during the trading activity. Thus, the risk-taking abilities of both individuals are generally high.
Effective management of cash/bankroll
Whether it’s the poker games online or stock market – money is the primary thing that is involved. Management of cash, how much to invest, how much to save – all these factors ply in the head of both the trader and the poker player from the beginning till the end. Experienced poker players focus strictly on the bankroll management part rather than indulging in the madness of continuing the game even if there’s no chance of winning. Similarly, in the stock market if a trader feels that there’s no chance of a particular stock getting an upper value at all, then the trader decides to sale the stock as soon as possible!
Situations depend on the probability
Chances of getting a better outcome – this is the major motivation that helps a poker player and a trader to survive in the long run. Hence the law of probability plays a vital role in both cases. Majority of the matters are generally left to the destiny because a small change in a card or a minor fall of the stock prices may result in complete change of the destiny.
No matter whatever best poker sites in India you’re using for playing the game, rules are same, game play is same. Take risk, stay focused and keep playing.
Happy Playing !!
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