Online Poker Tips to Boost up Your Earning Possibilities

Online Poker Tips to Boost up Your Earning Possibilities 

There is no better time to experience real money poker in India than during a pandemic when entry to most casinos is limited. Besides accessibility, internet gaming is more customizable and offers a broader range of gaming possibilities, including online card games such as Poker. 

On the other hand, online Poker exposes you to players from all over the world and at various skill levels. It’s all too easy to become caught up in high-octane, violent games. Even in low-stakes online poker games, winning can be challenging at times.

 However, there are a variety of tactics that can assist you in making profits and boosting up your chances of winning by helping you make the most delicate possible moves.

This article will tell you some of the best poker strategies to help you grow more and earn more in Poker.

Table of Content:

1.Be Careful With Your Starting Hands

2.Begin Your Game By Playing a Single Online Poker Table

3. Know-How to Bluff

4. Carefully Notice Your Opponents Game

5. Don’t Go For Excessive Bluffs

6. Avoid Multi-Tasking During an Ongoing Online Poker Game

online poker tips to boost up earning possibilities
online poker tips to boost up earning possibilities

Be Careful With Your Starting Hands 

There’s a reason why you should choose your starting hands carefully. Often, most of your hands will be behind on the flop, and you’ll be tossing good money after poor.

 Selecting the right beginning hands, passing on a mediocre hand, and pouncing on a big hand are all examples of a good poker strategy. Choose a few premium cards to raise in late position and fold a large portion of your modest preflop holdings.

Begin Your Game By Playing a Single Online Poker Table

The option to play multi-tables at once is one of several advantages of playing online Poker, but perhaps you should limit multi-tabling until you’ve entirely developed your skills.

 Begin with playing at one table — there’s nothing wrong with taking things easy at first, and this method may help you grasp many of the game’s complexities without being distracted. Once you’ve mastered a single table, you may gradually add more tables, one at a time.

Know-How to Bluff

Poker is a game of timing and skill, and bluffing is an integral part of every poker game. You have no control over the cards you have gotten, but you influence what others believe you have in your hand. 

If you have a poor indicator, you’ll have to persuade others to fold by convincing them that your writing is better than theirs. However, if you do have unique cards, then, in that case, you should try to keep your calm. 

This allows the pot to continue to increase, giving you the highest potential return for your efforts. Bluffing takes time and practice; therefore, don’t get discouraged if you don’t do it right the first time.

Carefully Notice Your Opponents Game

Online Poker is not just about playing, and it also has a lot to do with how deep you can analyze your opponent and their moves. It would be an excellent approach for new players to observe others play before sitting at the live tables. 

This can assist you in identifying specific trends or behaviors among players that you may utilize against them to win pots. If you are new to Poker and don’t know how to play Poker, you should watch other players’ games and tutorial videos. 

Don’t Go for Excessive Bluffs

Bluffing is an excellent poker tactic that you can master as you advance in your card game. But excessive bluffing is not always good for your game. You wouldn’t want to lose a lot of chips by playing your mediocre cards, especially if you run across a caller who doesn’t respect your decisions. You might also try a couple of semi-bluffs to the mix if you want. Once you have a drawing hand that can transform into solid writing, you can utilize a semi-bluff.

Avoid Multi-Tasking During an Ongoing Online Poker Game

While you’re sitting on a poker game and your goal is to win, it’s best not to indulge in any other task except focusing on your game. It will assist you in maintaining your attention and making it simpler to concentrate. One of the valuable methods to get through long-session games is to listen to some light music.


Apart from the above points, there are many more suggestions for seasoned and new players to make their first experience with legal poker sites in India as enjoyable and rewarding as possible. Keep in mind these above poker strategies and boost your chances of winning each poker hand.

Know more history of Poker, visit here:

How to Read Your Opponent’s Expression In Poker?

The secret behind playing poker and winning millions is only one thing – check out your opponent’s expressions and try to figure out what your opponent is thinking! However, this is not always possible. Especially if you’re playing poker games online, then checking out the expressions of your opponent is impossible! Sometimes, a nervous opponent may be the sole reason behind your drastic win of the game.  

In terms of poker players, this is commonly known as a poker tell. Keeping a track of the opponent’s moves, heartbeats, expressions, tension level can make you guess the type of hand that the person might be having. And you can plan your strategies accordingly. While playing for real money poker, this is a very important strategy and you must follow the same so that you can easily go ahead and win the money!  

In case you’re playing a vital poker tournament, then here’s a few tips that’ll definitely help you read your poker tells without fail. You can consider the same as winning ground rules! Keep them in mind and you win lots of unlimited cash!  

Tip1: Look out for involuntary movements 

When you’re at the poker table with few others, monitoring the movements and uneasiness can help you understand what’s actually going on in the mind of the opponent. This is impossible in poker online games. since the adrenalin rush is high in cash while playing poker, hence you can easily find people making a lot of mistakes while making drastic decisions at the poker table.  

Tip 2: Keep a look on the show off process of bets

While playing the game if you find the person making high bets be sure of the fact that he is certainly not having a good hand! A pro player with a good number of cards in hand will always make small bets. Online poker in India has a lot of players right now who can play the game professionally. But if you’re playing the game in casinos, then keeping a track of this movement will ensure that you definitely win the game and be a great player in the long run. 

Tip 3: Note of ongoing chats 

Now, this is a fruitful strategy that you can use while playing poker online. While playing if you suddenly find the opponent leaving the chat in between, be sure that the opponent is not having a good hand. That’s your opportunity to get hold of the discarded cards and play safely in the game. most of the time, going out of chat means, that the person is either strategizing or planning the next move and hence is in need of a high concentration level.  

Tip 4: Look out for the uncertain behavior on the poker table 

Sometimes you’ll find poker players actually covering up their face, feeling uneasy, or rubbing their foreheads when their turn approaches. This is because there are very few players who can keep calm even if they are dealt with a weak hand. Similarly, if a player is having winning cards in hand, then he will become conscious when his turn arrives.  

Happy Playing!!

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Fun Poker Facts: History of Poker Game in India

Fun Poker Facts: History of Poker Game in India

Poker is a popular game, but Indians have always felt that the game is of western origin. Smoky casinos, well-dressed players, millions of cash deals, and unlimited flow of drinks – poker certainly doesn’t go with the Indian culture. However, online poker in India has become quite a popular online game since the time it was introduced.  

There’re very few poker online players who are not aware of the Texas Hold’em variation. With the introduction of this game, poker got international recognition and Indian players started to embrace the game more. However, it is quite interesting to see the gradual surge of real money poker games in India over time. Poker has certainly reshaped the present and future of the Indian gambling industry.  

Advent of Poker in 20th Century in India 

In terms of gambling, the provisions under the Indian penal code have always been very rigid. Although things have changed however to date in states like Tamil Nadu, Andra Pradesh, Telangana, Assam, and Orissa, playing poker is considered equivalent to gambling and hence it is not allowed. But in other states, the impact of poker games online has been increasing. You can even find live casinos in Goa, Daman, and Sikkim.  

Hence, in short, the birth and growth of poker in India can be dated back to the beginning of the 20th century. Although even during the 1990s there were many Indians who played poker, however, the activities were all underground. Not many revelations were made about the game. Although online poker has made the game popular among the Indian population, however, the laws are not clear in many states.  

Thus, as expected you won’t get too many players in line for playing poker in India.  

Popularity of Online Poker in India 

With the surge in the demand for smartphones and internet technology in India, playing poker online has become a very feasible option. Around 80% of the Indian population enjoys online poker games and this has made the game quite fascinating for Indian gamers. Nowadays you’ll find a lot of poker gaming apps, that you can easily download, register, and start playing. 

Not only does the game help you win money, but playing real money poker can help you get a lot of money in other ways as well. You may wonder what are the ways? Well, subscription bonus, referral bonus, surprise gifts, one-time deposits and lots more. You can get all these options of money-making ways. If you search for the top Indian poker players, the names of Vivek Rajkumar, Nipun Java and a few more will surely come into highlights. Among them Nipun Java Has high success with 200 money finishes in poker and has successfully secured National Player of the Year Award in 2018.  

Nowadays, even poker tournaments are being played professionally by Indian players. Rajkumar for example is the unprecedented winner of loads and loads of money. His achievements and money winnings have helped him pursue poker professionally.  

Happy Playing !!

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Online Poker Results – Why is it Important?

How Online Poker Can Change Your Life?

Leading a hectic lifestyle has been a part and parcel of every individual. This in turn gives rise to impatience, frustration, tiredness, and irritability. Happiness vanishes amidst the tiring and mundane lifestyle. Playing poker online like many other online games can revitalize your life! The high-stress level can give rise to unpleasant situations and can provoke a person to take certain aggressive decisions as well.  

Why be impulsive all the time when you can easily be calm-minded? Downloading a game of poker is all you have to do! Real money poker is not about winning loads of cash only! Rather while playing the game you can easily inculcate a lot of patience level and also learn to cope up with the adversities of life as well.  

Even the norms of time management, great utilization of the energy levels can also be attained by being a veteran poker player. For instance, in case you’re involved in playing poker tournaments, then the game may go on forever and ever. While you’re at it, you can easily learn how to be calm and keep patience  

Unlike many other online games, while playing poker, you need to be smart, brilliant and use a lot of strategies together. Your observation power will increase because you’ll have to be alerted all the time while the game is on. At a poker table, you’ll find a lot of bluffers. If you’re not alert enough, you’ll lose all your money and won’t even know the same. This will definitely be of use in case you’re wondering to regain control of your messed-up life.  

What more can you learn from playing poker online? Emotional control development is a major factor that you can inculcate as soon as you become a poker veteran. From the time you start playing poker, you’ll find a lot of emotional turmoil rising up in your life. You might become angry, maybe overjoyed, or sometimes maybe largely nervous with the proceedings of the gameplay. So, a lot of emotions will be at stake once you start playing poker. But with time you’ll learn the tactics of controlling the same smartly. Now in real-life you can use the same to successfully build your personality. Especially if you’re working in a corporate environment, then emotional quotient should be very less.  

The most important thing that poker can give is adrenaline rush and high level of excitement in your mundane life. Rather than sitting idle and becoming bored with your lifestyle, it’s better to engage in a game of poker and earn some quick money on the way. 

Learn the terminologies of poker, check out the rules and start playing the game. you’ll definitely learn a lot if you’re able to play the game on your own accord. Online poker in India is a booming sector right now! So, you can participate in real-time cash games and earn a lot which will improve your life’s quality as well.  

Happy Playing!!

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Fun Facts Every Poker Player Likes to Discuss

4 Quickest Ways to Build Bankroll at Online Poker Tables

To win money at the best online poker sites, you need money! Sounds funny? But that’s the hard truth. The more money you have in your pockets, the longer you’ll be able to play the game. The frequency of bluffing, raises and folds while playing poker online depends completely on the amount of money that you’re having in your hand.  

However, there are some easy and quick ways using which you can build up your bankroll for the game. There’re few who fear adapting to any of these strategies because of the risk that is involved. However, as the saying goes – there’s no gain without a little bit of pain!  

Maybe you’re a keenly talented player, but is out of cash! Not a big deal. Just follow these quickies and build up your bankroll effectively.  

Play a few good games 

When playing real money poker always remember to try your hands on some good games. Playing with the bad poker players will neither develop your poker skills nor will it help you build a good bankroll base. So, playing poker online on some good and selected tables will certainly take you to a different level in terms of money-making ability. Playing good games consistently is the key to the development of a great bankroll base. If you ever come across players with too many hands, the ones who limp too much, call too much, and make weak bets, then certainly playing with such people will not help you get any money into your account.  

Aim for the higher stake games 

In case you’re a veteran player and have good fundamental knowledge about the game and its rules, then try and take a hand on the higher stake games. This is a sure shot way in which you can guaranteed get a lot of money in hand. Playing the micros for year and year will not help you get enough money in your account. Make some calculations and take some risky steps. You’ll surely shoot up faster and get a lot of money in hand.  

Try out small buy-ins or tournaments 

In case you’re an all-time tournament player, don’t worry, still, there’s a way in poker games online to make good amount of money.  Small buy ins are the most feasible option that can help you get through the game and also help you meet the necessary money requirements. However, whatever you do, you need to be a good bankroll manager to keep the cash which you’ve earned.  

Keep earning bonuses 

To win money at online poker in India, you need money! Sounds funny? But that’s the hard truth. The more money you have in your pockets, the longer you’ll be able to play the game. The frequency of bluffing raises and folds while playing poker online depends completely on the amount of money that you’re having in your hand.  

However, there are some easy and quick ways using which you can build up your bankroll for the game. There’re few who fear to adapt to any of these strategies because of the risk that is involved. However, as the saying goes – there’s no gain without a little bit of pain!  

Maybe you’re a keenly talented player, but is out of cash! Not a big deal. Just follow these quickies and build up your bankroll effectively.  

Happy Playing !!

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How Brain Training Software Helping with Online Poker Games?

How Brain Training Software Helping with Online Poker Games?

Online poker games are popular nowadays. The option gives you a chance to play the game from anywhere, anytime, and win unlimited cash. With the invention of smartphones, tablets, and laptops, poker is no more confined within the boundaries of casinos.  

Although to play poker you need a well build up mind, however, some group of smart people has conjured up different programs that help in playing poker games online. The programs have been tested and seen that on the brighter side the programs allow to brush up the mathematical skills as well.  

Here are some of them that can help you win a poker tournament without much hassle. 

Brain age: Concentration 

This is an original brain training app and it is highly related to Lumosity in many ways. This program was smartly designed by Kawashima who is a neuroscientist. The major aim of this program is to train your brain to be younger by making it think like a younger individual. Using this program in a repetitive mode will surely increase your memory skills and also your concentration skills as well. For winning in real money poker, having a high concentration is the key. In case you’re unable to develop the same, then this program will be a helpful option for the same.  

PokerTracker 4 

For serious poker professionals, PokerTracker 4 is the best option. Many professionals have successfully won thousands and millions after using this program. What makes this program different from the others? It’s the amount of information about the opponents that you will guaranteed get from this program. Unlike casinos, in online poker tables, knowing the least amount of information about the opponent will help you win the match easily. Obviously bluffing is absolutely not an option in online poker. Hence, understanding the psychology of the opponent player gets difficult as the game proceeds.  


This is a brain-training app and you’ll find millions of users of this software. Since the UI is very simple, hence even the novice players can relate to this software. Free version of the program is available for android, iOS and PC users. By installing this program, you can easily focus on developing the memory, critical thinking ability and adapts easily to any type of poker games online. Indeed, a good way to increase your intelligence as well!  


This is popular program developed by a healthcare company. Although the features are similar to that of Lumosity, however here’s another incredible feature that is loved by all poker online players. Not only for poker, but also you can use this program to successfully revive the brains of adults in care centers. Undoubtedly a great invention and why is it so because the same helps in development of the brain cells. Use it and become more intelligent than others.  

Although you easily use these programs to become a brainer, however, there’s no alternative to natural meditation alternatives. Keep practicing your poker tournament games, keep meditating and improve your brainpower and become a true winner in online poker India.  

Happy Playing !!

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Interesting Facts About A Poker Dealer

Why Playing Online Poker is More Comfortable than Live Poker Games?

Although playing poker in casinos had been a trend a decade back, however, now things have changed. With digitalization, playing poker online is the new demand. Since technology has successfully brought everything right at your drawing-room.   

When it comes to poker online, you need to pick a suitable place to settle down with your phone or laptop so that you’re not diverted and can play the game without any hindrances. Although the concept of poker games online may be a trending concept, however, if you’re playing Texas Hold’em then getting hold of a suitable position wherever you’re planning to play is crucial.  

What are the major offbeat places where you can sit down, relax and indulge in the game easily? Here’s a list of some offbeat positions which are suitable for the game.  

Poker tables 

Sounding funny? But in reality, playing poker tournaments while sitting at the dining table is not a bad option. Many poker apps allow creating private tournaments where you can invite your friends and family. So, instead of playing the game with some unknown bot, get hold of a tournament, sit around the table, and start the game. A normal dining table can equip 6-8 people which is the same as a poker tournament. Play the game and indulge in the entertainment.  

Online poker time 

Which is the peak time for playing poker games online? Ask a veteran and they’ll say it at the midnight. This is the perfect time when a large number of poker fishes will be swimming around and you can expect to have a smooth and good game with the experienced poker players.  

Always be late at poker tables 

Punctuality is not a great virtue that is noted among the majority of poker players. Rather being late at the poker table is considered better! The majority of the players playing online poker in India try to enter the game at the last position. This helps them to get a view of the pot size and the amount of money invested is also less. Hence, being late is not a bad option if you’re a veteran poker player. 

Homely comfort and cozy chairs 

Although it may sound highly irrelevant, however its always desirable to position yourself in a cozy and comfortable chair which is of the right size so that you can play the game easily. Poker is a stressful game! there’s no doubt about the same. So, having a chair with a backrest and leaning on the same while you’re browsing through the internet will give you a lot deal of patience and relaxation that can boost your energy and make you a better poker player.  

Avoid high distraction zones 

If you want to be an all-time winner at real money poker games, then certainly avoiding high distraction zones is the most important point. Whether you’re playing the game on your home premises or playing it in a social place, then selecting the best place to play the game peacefully is the best option.

Happy Playing !!

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Magical Breathing Exercises to Practice While Playing Poker Online

Knockout vs Normal Poker Tournaments – Which One is Better?

Poker tournaments in different poker apps are diverse in nature. Starting from multi-table games to knock-out tournaments – you’ll find every kind of poker game which is needless to say! Although playing poker tournaments are majorly the choice of pro poker players, however, knock out tournaments are a better option.  

Although this option is moderately new in poker games online, however, some of the thrilling twists and turns can make this form of the tournament more interesting. Now let’s take the question that’s definitely popping up in your mind! What is a knock out poker tournament?  

Well, keeping the basic rules same, this is the type of tournament where a cash amount is fixed on every player. Once a player gets eliminated the get the money which has been fixed at the beginning of the tournament.  

What is the knockout tournament? 

If you’re wondering what a knockout tournament is, then read on to know more. It is generally the platform same as the Texas Holdem format where the player who is eliminated gets the cash amount which is fixed on him. So, there’s no monetary loss for the player even if he is thrown out of the game. While playing poker online, the players are again eliminated based on the wrong cards they deal with.  

But playing in this format will give you an added benefit. Because the knock out tournament gives a bounty amount in return to the one who is knocked out of the game. So, you can collect a lot of cash if you play this type of game in poker.  

Here are some difference between knockout and other tournaments 

There’s a reward for everyone 

A knockout tournament is a better option especially for the ones striving for real money poker. Unlike other tournament formats, regardless of the position in which they finish the game, they can be assured that they’ll get some good amount of cash in their kitty! In other poker tournaments, if you’re thrown out, you’ll have to leave the game empty-handed. But in this game, if you’re thrown out then you can win the game by winning cash amounts. So, poker players definitely like playing this version of the game because there’s no loss in this game variation.   

High range of variations in the game 

In normal poker tournaments, you can’t expect various versions of the game. But when it comes to knockout tournaments, then you can get an ample number of options. Starting from classic, progressive, super knockouts, turbo and hyper-turbo, you can choose from all the available options.  

Good amount of cash prizes 

One of the advantages of playing a knockout tournament is huge amounts of cash prizes are available once the player reaches the final table. In the majority of cases, while playing poker games online, it is not possible to win the game and get any cash prizes. So, if you’re playing the game with the thought of getting some cash prizes, then knockout tournaments are the best option for you.  

Happy Playing !!

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5 Fun Facts About Poker That’ll Blow Your Mind

5 Fun Facts About Poker That’ll Blow Your Mind

When thousands and millions of intelligent minds get together, they can easily embark on a journey of playing poker online. The popularity of poker globally shows that the game is not only played for money but also for the enhancement of personal thinking skills. More than money, the skills factors involved in the game are more interesting and thrilling.  

Although the concept of online poker is new, however, the game has been in existence for the last 200 years or even more. Since it’s such an old game, hence there’s a certain fun fact that you might not be knowing about the game! Online poker India has become excessively popular after the introduction of different poker apps. Playing the game will become more interesting if you get to know these fun facts before the game. 

Read on to know more. 

Poker Trivia 1: Only 20 cards were used during the old times 

How many cards are involved in real money poker nowadays? The obvious answer is 52. However, in the good old days, the story was different. At that time there were no online poker sites in India. Rather the game involved only 4 players and 20 cards. each player was given 5 cards and betting used to start with the best hand. However, from the year 1834, the concept of playing the game using 52 cards were taken into account!  

Poker Trivia 2: Longest duration for a poker game 

We’re currently into a fast-paced world. But online poker has changed the face of the game. However, there are still some mad poker players who like playing the game for days, months and even years. If you feel this is unreal, then please note that the longest till date poker tournament was played for almost 8 and a half years. Yes, you heard it right! This historic game was played in The Brid Cage Theatre in Arizona and it began in the year 1881. The minimum ticket price for this tournament was $1000 and it went on from eight years, five months and three days!  

Poker Trivia 3: Gold coins in traditional poker games 

Real money poker always existed. Even before the online poker and cash prizes, there was gold coins and chips involved in poker game. In the earlier days as the poker chips were not available and also the rules of the game were not very clear, hence gold coins and gold chips were introduced as a part of stakes and winnings in the game.  

Poker Trivia 4: Originations of the poker game 

How did poker origin? This fact is not highly confirmed till date. However, there’re people who have mentioned that in the 10th century there had been a Chinese emperor who used to play domino card, a game which was very close to poker. Then again there’re few who argues to the fact that the game of poker got its name from Poque which is a German game having the same types of rules.  

Poker Trivia 5: Official broadcast of poker tournament 

Before poker games online came into existence, poker used to be broadcasted in the television. In 1973 the first poker broadcasting started with the world series of poker which took place in Las Vegas. Starting with this broadcast the rest of the games till date are viewed globally by all poker lovers in different platforms.  

Happy Playing!!

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4 Strange Similarities Between Online Poker and Stock Market Trading

Is Playing Online Poker is Only About Winning Cash Prizes?

Whenever you start a game the first thing that comes to your mind is – win or lose! The competitive world has made us all highly competitive in nature and all we can think is about either winning or losing a game rather than enjoying the entertaining factors involved with the games. Poker tournaments are a similar category of game that makes people more competitive in nature.  

However, losing a certain game of poker doesn’t necessarily make you a bad player. While playing poker online, you came come across many diverse situations. You might get a rouge opponent or maybe unlucky with the cards. So, if you lose, remember that it was not your day!  

Sulking and giving up on the gameplay, won’t make you a better player later. Unlike other physical games, poker is a mind game. Hence, good amount of patience, logical skills, reasoning ability and emotional control is very much necessary for a person to be a good poker player.  

In case you’re looking beyond the win and lose part, then please read on to know more.  

Poker makes you emotionally strong 

If you’re an emotional fool, then your life will be full of hurdles. Poker will teach you to be patient and handle your life’s decisions without any emotional attachment.  While playing poker you’ve to stay focused and be judgmental. If you think that making sensitive decisions will help you get through the hurdles of life, then you’re wrong. Start playing poker online and you’ll be amazed the way the game changes your emotional wellbeing. 

It’s an option to learn new skills 

Poker is not about winning cash all the time! It’s also about learning new skills which you might have not known even existed in you. Rules of playing poker games online are more or less the same in all poker apps. However, as you embark on the journey of becoming a pro poker player, you will learn mathematical calculations, probability, permutations, and combinations and also develop high-end analytical skills. If you lack concentration skills, poker is the right game for you! It will definitely help you develop your focus on things!  

Develops never give up attitude  

Did you know that the longest ever poker tournament was played for around 5 years? It’s like an addiction that draws the poker players towards the game They keep on playing and playing for days and months without ever giving up on the game. So, real money poker definitely develops a positive attitude and helps in developing a spirit of competitiveness in the individuals who are engaged in the gameplay. Never give up attitude is the one that makes a person a professional player. If you want to be one, then you need a high degree of resilience and a positive attitude to maintain your status in the game. 

In short, poker is not about money only! If you win and get the money that’s incredible. Even if you lose, don’t be disheartened. You’ve definitely learned something from the game as well. 

Happy Playing !!

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Top 4 Playing Styles for Online Poker Players