Endure the First Live Poker Tournament of Yours

poker live tournament, while intimidating, is an experience you will forever remember. Whether you’re placed at a table with very talkative play poker enthusiasts or surrounded by sullen poker faces giving glances, at a poker tournament you’re sure to experience a sea of emotions. 

However, while learning how to bluff and sending dubious glares to the fellow poker players can be fun. But it shouldn’t be top priority at your first poker live tournament. Rather, your focus should be on what you do in the moments before you pick up your first card. It can be from searching a seat to gathering your chips. Preparation, you will hit upon, is important. 

Take a look at our guide, below: Continue reading “Endure the First Live Poker Tournament of Yours”

5 Myth linked to Professional Poker Players

We, the poker online players, can find heaps of myths for poker games. However, on numerous occasions the game is often misrepresented. There are a number of myths the general non-poker playing audience have about the professional poker players playing the game. Here is a small list of a few of them: 

The pros have genius-level IQ 

The misconception exists that to play poker online professionally, you need to be a genius. While the best players do have a higher than the average IQ, this is a fact for most professionals in any field. However, you don’t need to be as intelligent as Isaac Newton to play the game.  Continue reading “5 Myth linked to Professional Poker Players”

Mucking a Hand in Poker

In the world of online poker terms, the word ‘muck’ has a number of meanings. 

Firstly, it’s used to explain the discarded cards that a dealer would place cards that are no longer in play. This pile of cards ensures that folded cards are kept separate from the hand in play. The burn cards would also be placed into the muck. 

Secondly, it means to fold ones cards. A player can also have their hand mucked if another player tries to fold their hand and one of their cards by chance ends up in another players hole cards. To evade this, players time and again place a chip or card protector on their hole cards (where they don’t otherwise) to keep them secure.  Continue reading “Mucking a Hand in Poker”

Writing journals Improve Poker Games

The ancient people believed the best time for writing journal is either in the morning or at night. Many pro online poker players cram in their thoughts about the game at the end of the day as it doesn’t seem to be a morning thing. 

Journaling is a good habit and all the poker also considers it. Here are our 6 reasons, why. 

Releasing Tension 

Experts believe that journaling is ‘trapping your worries and fears on a page.” It is better out than in. 

Poker is a game where you lose more than you win. The financial doubt leaves you wandering around a wasted landscape like a blind slug over thinking hand after hand.  Continue reading “Writing journals Improve Poker Games”

The Saga of Poker Chips

If you’ve ever played poker, you make out that there’s no superior feeling than piling a giant size of poker chips and showing your opposition that you’re a poker player to anticipate at the game. 

But do you know that poker chips in broad are a fairly new concept? It’s true. The history of poker chips didn’t begin with actual poker chips. The home poker game and even poker live games today are greatly differ from the game our poker-loving ancestors used to play. 

Earlier in the nineteenth century, poker chips didn’t even exist. Poker players used to play poker online with tiny nuggets of gold and even gold dust. 

Obviously, some sort of consistency was urgently essential. So the gaming houses began making their own standardized substitutes – pieces of clay, bones and ivory. Sadly, these “standards” were easy to fake, so the gaming houses began to brand those pieces of clay, bones and ivory with exclusive symbols and traits.  Continue reading “The Saga of Poker Chips”

Mindboggling Poker Scenes in Movies

Sometimes we get inspired to play poker online when we see our favourite movies or we watch our favourite actors in movies. It has been more than 100 years already that Poker has found its way into the silver screen. In 1912  poker introduced with the silent movie “A cure for pokeritis.” 

Since then many hit movies has tried to capture poker live scene to entertain movie lovers & poker game lovers. Many of the movies have been effectively successful in capturing the essence of poker game. Let us take a look at 10 popular movie scenes: 


Joe Pesci is frighteningly unhinging as Tommy DeVito in Martin Scorsese’s Goodfellas. His presence at the game raises the tension levels all the way up. Thanks to a confusion he has with Spider, a dude who’s not even playing at the table. Spider forgets to get Tommy his drink. And, obviously, Tommy deals with this tiny error in the most exaggerated way possible. Never cross Tommy DeVito.  Continue reading “Mindboggling Poker Scenes in Movies”

Psychology Analysis of Texas Hold’em Game

Poker game is being played for hundreds of years and still keeps its charm and freshness. Thanks to the advent of Internet, anyone can play poker online. The number of websites dedicated to the online poker has increased. It can play for real money or just for fun, access is quick and easy, nothing is simpler. Star of poker game is owned by Texas Hold’em. This is a not too sophisticated version of traditional poker and gathering millions of players at online gaming tables. 

Texas Holdem rules are quite simple and do not involves major headaches. But the game itself is something else. Texas Hold’em poker is a game where you can earn fabulous or where you can lose fortunes. Players must know that the virtual world differs slightly of the real world, though it is about the same people. If you play Texas Hold’em with your friends or neighbours to whom you know the strengths and weaknesses it’s all right, but playing online everything changes. You can meet, under the mask of anonymity of a common nick name. High-class players, who really know how to play Texas Hold’em.  Continue reading “Psychology Analysis of Texas Hold’em Game”

Is Online Poker Addictive?

Poker! The game which is played to win cash! The game which is based on mental skill! And the game which is fun and challenging to play if you get the right challenger!  

But it can also be full with threat. One of the dangers is having an addiction for the games. 

Addiction stated to be an emotional state

The addict seeks to get this “high” through some behaviour. Numerous people develop an addiction because of genes. Stress is a key external factor which can lead to addiction, and the presence of some other mental disorders can also add to an individual’s chances to develop an addiction. 

The gambling urge is similar to other addictions. If you have an addictive personality, proceed with care if you decide to play poker online or participate in any other risky gambling activity. Signs of addictive personalities are the people who act rashly, continually seek new thrills or are regarded non-conformists.  Continue reading “Is Online Poker Addictive?”

Judging Challenger’s Personality While Playing Poker Game

You can analyse your challengers’ personality by observing their poker game. By evaluating how your challengers play poker online, you can expose their hidden personality traits. The game persona speaks a lot about player’s personality. Besides minimizing strain, improving memory and improve decisions, playing poker online reveals the genuine personality of the player. Bearing in mind the tactics that players follow while playing poker, let’s learn their personality: 

The One Risking Everything 

Several times, you will find passive players who play poker aggressively. Those players normally have a hidden aggressive personality which appears while playing poker online. Hence, players who seem calm and civil in manners usually hold a daring and aggressive personality. 

The One Dodging his Bets 

While playing poker online, you will get to play against players who are extremely careful in their poker moves. These players will show an attitude of risk-taking. But their careful nature of their personality is revealing when they play poker. Those players tend to lose less not just when playing poker but in other aspects of their life as well. 

The One Bound and Determined 

You will discover a lot of light-hearted poker players. And they always appear to be cheerful in different stages of life. These players have categorised as an obstinate personality. It is their determination that helps them play better and discover different tactics of the poker game. And, this quality also helps them attain the hardest goals of both poker and life. 

The One Downright Neighbourly 

These players are the one who play online poker not merely to win but at the same time also make sure that others don’t win the game. These players are smartest of all, and the most tricky ones to play poker with. The players with warm and serene personality usually fall into this group. The other side of their personality, liveliness and aggression has exposed during the poker game. 

So, every poker player has a game personality. This is poles apart from the personality they show to others in actual life. While playing poker, you have to train yourself in reading your challengers. Your challenges are not only on face value but on game value as well. This will not just help you play better poker but help to read people in real life too. 

Happy playing! 

Unconventional Positions to Play Poker

When playing online poker, you require lifting an optimal space to play the game. Also to breathe comfortably and feel at home. Position is one of the major elements to judge when playing Texas Hold’em poker as it tempts action in all playing rounds. Following are the six aspects that make up great unconventional positions to play poker:

The best tables to play online poker are the ones having space for 6 to 8 people. The next time you play the game online, favour selecting tables having player count of 6 or 8 maximum.

The most excellent time to play poker online is between IST 6:30 PM to 12 AM since the poker tables are full of action at that time, and there are more and more fishes swimming around. Continue reading “Unconventional Positions to Play Poker”