Fun Facts Every Poker Player Likes to Discuss

As we all know poker is a game of mental skills. Although winning at poker online seems exciting however even the best players may fail to win cash in poker. There’s always more to poker. It is not only real money poker but also socializing is a part of the game. previously when online poker was not present casinos in clubs and hotels were majorly filled with hundreds where people laughed, lived, and played!  

But if you’re new to this intriguing world of poker, then you would be amazed to find the poker personalities being a bit different from others. While conversing with them you might come across words like flop, table, show etc. It seems like their world revolves around the same. Since socializing is an integral part of poker hence you might be amazed to find them discussing politics, movies and much more that can keep on the discussion going on forever.  

However, poker games online have made things a bit different. Although you can start playing the game anytime and earn loads, but the discussions are limited to a large extent. Here’s a few topics which are common part of discussion when it comes to a poker player. 

Latest movies and web series 

Yes, even a professional best online poker player in India is a movie buff! Sounds strange? Definitely not. Playing poker all the time can get boring and jam up the mind. That’s when a poker player engages in watching either movie or web series. This acts like a mind refreshment and helps in concentrating on the game later. So, when chatting with a poker player, you can expect to create an effective conversation room on movies.  

Trending news on sports 

Although poker is not a sport, however, the players do consider themselves to the same level as cricket and soccer player. Playing poker online gives them an adrenaline rush. Similarly talking about other sports and checking out the latest trends also encourages a sense of excitement within the players. You may never know when you end up in an amicable argument with the poker player on some trending sports news.  

Politics and World news 

That’s a common topic of discussion for everyone. Poker players are not an exception. May it be a sudden political change, or a humorous political meme, they know it all. Don’t ever underestimate their knowledge thinking that they are always glued to their screens. Checking out the trending news is a hobby of every professional poker player.  

Foods and hangouts 

Immense knowledge about the nearby hangout can be easily obtained from a poker player. whenever they are stuck in between some complex poker tournament, they prefer spending their time by gulping on some tasty food. What’s new and hot in town? A poker player will definitely have the answer. Hanging out in pubs is a common passion for them as they can spend a lot of time there and keep playing their favorite game.  

Happy Playing!!

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4 Quickest Ways to Build Bankroll at Online Poker Tables

4 Quickest Ways to Build Bankroll at Online Poker Tables

To win money at the best online poker sites, you need money! Sounds funny? But that’s the hard truth. The more money you have in your pockets, the longer you’ll be able to play the game. The frequency of bluffing, raises and folds while playing poker online depends completely on the amount of money that you’re having in your hand.  

However, there are some easy and quick ways using which you can build up your bankroll for the game. There’re few who fear adapting to any of these strategies because of the risk that is involved. However, as the saying goes – there’s no gain without a little bit of pain!  

Maybe you’re a keenly talented player, but is out of cash! Not a big deal. Just follow these quickies and build up your bankroll effectively.  

Play a few good games 

When playing real money poker always remember to try your hands on some good games. Playing with the bad poker players will neither develop your poker skills nor will it help you build a good bankroll base. So, playing poker online on some good and selected tables will certainly take you to a different level in terms of money-making ability. Playing good games consistently is the key to the development of a great bankroll base. If you ever come across players with too many hands, the ones who limp too much, call too much, and make weak bets, then certainly playing with such people will not help you get any money into your account.  

Aim for the higher stake games 

In case you’re a veteran player and have good fundamental knowledge about the game and its rules, then try and take a hand on the higher stake games. This is a sure shot way in which you can guaranteed get a lot of money in hand. Playing the micros for year and year will not help you get enough money in your account. Make some calculations and take some risky steps. You’ll surely shoot up faster and get a lot of money in hand.  

Try out small buy-ins or tournaments 

In case you’re an all-time tournament player, don’t worry, still, there’s a way in poker games online to make good amount of money.  Small buy ins are the most feasible option that can help you get through the game and also help you meet the necessary money requirements. However, whatever you do, you need to be a good bankroll manager to keep the cash which you’ve earned.  

Keep earning bonuses 

To win money at online poker in India, you need money! Sounds funny? But that’s the hard truth. The more money you have in your pockets, the longer you’ll be able to play the game. The frequency of bluffing raises and folds while playing poker online depends completely on the amount of money that you’re having in your hand.  

However, there are some easy and quick ways using which you can build up your bankroll for the game. There’re few who fear to adapt to any of these strategies because of the risk that is involved. However, as the saying goes – there’s no gain without a little bit of pain!  

Maybe you’re a keenly talented player, but is out of cash! Not a big deal. Just follow these quickies and build up your bankroll effectively.  

Happy Playing !!

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How Brain Training Software Helping with Online Poker Games?

How Brain Training Software Helping with Online Poker Games?

Online poker games are popular nowadays. The option gives you a chance to play the game from anywhere, anytime, and win unlimited cash. With the invention of smartphones, tablets, and laptops, poker is no more confined within the boundaries of casinos.  

Although to play poker you need a well build up mind, however, some group of smart people has conjured up different programs that help in playing poker games online. The programs have been tested and seen that on the brighter side the programs allow to brush up the mathematical skills as well.  

Here are some of them that can help you win a poker tournament without much hassle. 

Brain age: Concentration 

This is an original brain training app and it is highly related to Lumosity in many ways. This program was smartly designed by Kawashima who is a neuroscientist. The major aim of this program is to train your brain to be younger by making it think like a younger individual. Using this program in a repetitive mode will surely increase your memory skills and also your concentration skills as well. For winning in real money poker, having a high concentration is the key. In case you’re unable to develop the same, then this program will be a helpful option for the same.  

PokerTracker 4 

For serious poker professionals, PokerTracker 4 is the best option. Many professionals have successfully won thousands and millions after using this program. What makes this program different from the others? It’s the amount of information about the opponents that you will guaranteed get from this program. Unlike casinos, in online poker tables, knowing the least amount of information about the opponent will help you win the match easily. Obviously bluffing is absolutely not an option in online poker. Hence, understanding the psychology of the opponent player gets difficult as the game proceeds.  


This is a brain-training app and you’ll find millions of users of this software. Since the UI is very simple, hence even the novice players can relate to this software. Free version of the program is available for android, iOS and PC users. By installing this program, you can easily focus on developing the memory, critical thinking ability and adapts easily to any type of poker games online. Indeed, a good way to increase your intelligence as well!  


This is popular program developed by a healthcare company. Although the features are similar to that of Lumosity, however here’s another incredible feature that is loved by all poker online players. Not only for poker, but also you can use this program to successfully revive the brains of adults in care centers. Undoubtedly a great invention and why is it so because the same helps in development of the brain cells. Use it and become more intelligent than others.  

Although you easily use these programs to become a brainer, however, there’s no alternative to natural meditation alternatives. Keep practicing your poker tournament games, keep meditating and improve your brainpower and become a true winner in online poker India.  

Happy Playing !!

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Interesting Facts About A Poker Dealer

Why Playing Online Poker is More Comfortable than Live Poker Games?

Although playing poker in casinos had been a trend a decade back, however, now things have changed. With digitalization, playing poker online is the new demand. Since technology has successfully brought everything right at your drawing-room.   

When it comes to poker online, you need to pick a suitable place to settle down with your phone or laptop so that you’re not diverted and can play the game without any hindrances. Although the concept of poker games online may be a trending concept, however, if you’re playing Texas Hold’em then getting hold of a suitable position wherever you’re planning to play is crucial.  

What are the major offbeat places where you can sit down, relax and indulge in the game easily? Here’s a list of some offbeat positions which are suitable for the game.  

Poker tables 

Sounding funny? But in reality, playing poker tournaments while sitting at the dining table is not a bad option. Many poker apps allow creating private tournaments where you can invite your friends and family. So, instead of playing the game with some unknown bot, get hold of a tournament, sit around the table, and start the game. A normal dining table can equip 6-8 people which is the same as a poker tournament. Play the game and indulge in the entertainment.  

Online poker time 

Which is the peak time for playing poker games online? Ask a veteran and they’ll say it at the midnight. This is the perfect time when a large number of poker fishes will be swimming around and you can expect to have a smooth and good game with the experienced poker players.  

Always be late at poker tables 

Punctuality is not a great virtue that is noted among the majority of poker players. Rather being late at the poker table is considered better! The majority of the players playing online poker in India try to enter the game at the last position. This helps them to get a view of the pot size and the amount of money invested is also less. Hence, being late is not a bad option if you’re a veteran poker player. 

Homely comfort and cozy chairs 

Although it may sound highly irrelevant, however its always desirable to position yourself in a cozy and comfortable chair which is of the right size so that you can play the game easily. Poker is a stressful game! there’s no doubt about the same. So, having a chair with a backrest and leaning on the same while you’re browsing through the internet will give you a lot deal of patience and relaxation that can boost your energy and make you a better poker player.  

Avoid high distraction zones 

If you want to be an all-time winner at real money poker games, then certainly avoiding high distraction zones is the most important point. Whether you’re playing the game on your home premises or playing it in a social place, then selecting the best place to play the game peacefully is the best option.

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Magical Breathing Exercises to Practice While Playing Poker Online

Magical Breathing Exercises to Practice While Playing Poker Online

Breathing exercises inculcate calming sensation and energize the mind and body of the individuals. Unlike the poker that is being played in the casinos, for playing poker online, you need a calm and composed mindset. A poker player knows the real worth of the brain. Stress is the biggest enemy of any poker player. Bluffing, which is a key strategy of all successful poker players is an integral factor responsible for winning of any poker tournament.  

Experts and veterans in the field have said that indulging in certain breathing exercises can be useful for online poker players. Breath in and breath out – that’s the mantra of keeping your mind and other senses in control. So, if your target is to play for real money poker then making logical decisions is the key to success.  

Here’re a few exercises. Trying them out may give you some positive result. Practice the in and out exercise and enhance your mind skills more.  

Small inhale-exhale 

In this exercise, you need to rapidly inhale and exhale the breath through the nose. While playing poker online if you follow the bellows breath option, you’ll get a relaxed environment around you. Keep in mind the sync your breath with equal duration. This will also help you increase your awareness and think positively around you to help you make logical decisions.  

Long inhale-exhale 

This exercise is popularly known as the ocean’s breath. Here you need to follow the exact opposite of what you’ve been doing in the previous one. You can inhale the breath slowly and in a long process. Keep your mouth closed when you do the same. this is particularly helpful in case if you’re playing poker tournaments. This exercise will boost your energy levels and help you to carry on the game without failure of concentration.   

Breath counting 

Close your eyes and take a few long breaths. Then let the breath come out naturally. Keep counting the breaths that you exhale. If you’re wondering what good would it do, then please note that this will definitely increase your concentration level. this is a sort of meditation. You need to be really into the game to keep counting the breaths. You can randomly practice this exercise whenever you’re free because a calm and focused mind is necessary to become a poker veteran.  

Deep breathing exercise 

When you’re engaged in real money poker, the game becomes very stressful and less entertaining. Since a lot of money is at stake, hence the fear of losing will always be present at the back of your mind. Practicing the deep breathing exercise 5 mins before your start the game every time will help you relax your nerves and mind. There will definitely be no panic attack in case you’re into this exercise.  

Online poker in India has become a profession nowadays. If you’re willing to adopt this as a profession, practicing the games and getting hold of the necessary exercises will definitely help you go up the ladder.  

Happy Playing !!

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Is Playing Online Poker is Only About Winning Cash Prizes?

How to Get Your Brain Poker Ready?

Poker is a complete mind game, hence optimizing the brain cells to match the online poker strategies is necessary. To learn advanced strategies for playing poker, a brainy individual is required. Let’s say, you’ve been playing poker online for a long time now. Are you winning every match? Are the cards that you’re getting right for you? Is your strategy as good as the others playing on the same table? 

There might be many distractions while you’re at a poker table. but the one who masters the art of dodging the distractions successfully is the expert poker player. For that a brilliant and mature mind is required. That’s where the need for training the brain is required.  

Read on to know more about the ways you can in reality train your brain to match with the poker skills. 

Meditate and be patient 

A patient mind is the one who can win a poker game. There’s been instances when a poker tournament has lasted for years! Hence, to become a veteran poker player, you need to engage in meditation. This mind exercise helps in increasing the brain’s attentive power and helps in calming down the senses. You’ll find many professional poker players using this as a tool of success! It’s a must that you should take out at least 15 mins of your time to practice the same.  

Increase brain’s willpower 

Until and unless you’re able to increase thee will power of your brain, you can’t win the game of poker. So, getting your brain ready for the same is of utmost importance. Remembering the best strategies, taking prompt decisions, great reasoning skills – everything that a good poker player needs for poker games online comes from the mind itself.  Moreover, to be a good bluffer in the game, getting a clever mind is the key!  

Make your mind stress free 

No stress, only peace – key to winning poker matches. Poker online is a mind game. You need to have high attention levels if you want to win the match. And for that maintaining the same, you need to be focused and have lowest possible stress level. Always remember that any level of stress can take you down. Preparing you mind for a positive mindset is a basic necessity of every poker player.  

Practice continuously  

Practice makes a man perfect. This stands true for any game. Poker is an analytical game. Remembering the weak spots, getting hold of the proper bet sizes and analyzing the profitability – you can do all these if you’ve been practicing the game for long. So, its advisable to start your practice sessions as early as possible. This will help your brain to get used to the nitty gritty of the game faster.  

While playing online poker in India, it’s best to keep grinding your mind till the time you shine better than your opponent. Keep your worries aside and embark on the journey of poker game. Winnings will be definitely in your pocket!  

Happy Playing !!

Read More:

  1. 5 Tips for Choosing the Best Online Poker Table
  2. 4 Confirmed Signs That Proves You’re a Bad Poker Player

Fun Facts About Professional Poker Player’s lifestyle

If you’re a professional poker player then maintaining a pleasurable and luxurious lifestyle is a part of the individual’s life. Hard work, dedication, and a lot of sacrifices can help you win a bounty full of cash if you’re playing poker online. But the way you manage your life away from the game is the basic requirement. Till the time poker online games got introduced, the habit of visiting casinos subsided to a huge extent.  

However, for poker addicts, it becomes difficult to lead a normal life and get into a normal trend. No matter what, the mind gets attracted to playing poker. You can easily check out the hectic and fun-filled life of a professional poker player as many revealing videos are present on the internet.  

You’ll be amazed to know that there are people who treat the game like compassion rather than a game only! Here’s a few noticeable facts that every poker player exhibits. 

Demonstrating strong work ethics 

Whenever you come across a poker professional, you’ll be able to find them exhibiting a high sense of work ethics. The obvious reason being, real money poker involves a high ethical sense to be exhibited from the player. Whether playing poker is a full-time or a part-time profession, being ethically right is demanded. There will be times when you don’t like the cards that have been dealt, in such cases it is difficult to continue the game smoothly. However, keeping patience is the biggest virtue that should be exhibited.  

Making a habit of reading daily 

You might find many poker professionals making it a habit to read on a daily basis. Improving skills for playing poker games online will require a lot of research over the strategies and knowledge of the player. Thus, this is a very good habit that you might find in most of poker players. They will read blogs; watch matches and learn new strategies in their spare time.  

Exercises are a part of their daily routine 

To become a successful poker player excessive amount of hard work is required. Hence majority of the professional players generally follow an exercise regime. They workout on a daily basis so that they can get peaceful sleep. It’s not that running on treadmills or high time workouts can be very useful. However, many professionals playing online poker in India, knows the tricks and tips of managing their body and mind equally well so that they can get the money that they desire from the game.  

Grossing food habits of poker players 

There’s a scientific saying that good food and help your brain work better. The more you’re able to consume nutritious food, the better and faster your brain will start working.  A professional poker player is well aware of the same. Before a poker tournament, a player is always seen relishing on good foods and healthy diets.  If you know any poker player personally, then you’ll be amazed to find their fridge overloaded with veggies, fruits, and healthy snacks and drinks to not only keep their minds motivated but also to keep the body healthy.  

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Knockout vs Normal Poker Tournaments – Which One is Better?

Knockout vs Normal Poker Tournaments – Which One is Better?

Poker tournaments in different poker apps are diverse in nature. Starting from multi-table games to knock-out tournaments – you’ll find every kind of poker game which is needless to say! Although playing poker tournaments are majorly the choice of pro poker players, however, knock out tournaments are a better option.  

Although this option is moderately new in poker games online, however, some of the thrilling twists and turns can make this form of the tournament more interesting. Now let’s take the question that’s definitely popping up in your mind! What is a knock out poker tournament?  

Well, keeping the basic rules same, this is the type of tournament where a cash amount is fixed on every player. Once a player gets eliminated the get the money which has been fixed at the beginning of the tournament.  

What is the knockout tournament? 

If you’re wondering what a knockout tournament is, then read on to know more. It is generally the platform same as the Texas Holdem format where the player who is eliminated gets the cash amount which is fixed on him. So, there’s no monetary loss for the player even if he is thrown out of the game. While playing poker online, the players are again eliminated based on the wrong cards they deal with.  

But playing in this format will give you an added benefit. Because the knock out tournament gives a bounty amount in return to the one who is knocked out of the game. So, you can collect a lot of cash if you play this type of game in poker.  

Here are some difference between knockout and other tournaments 

There’s a reward for everyone 

A knockout tournament is a better option especially for the ones striving for real money poker. Unlike other tournament formats, regardless of the position in which they finish the game, they can be assured that they’ll get some good amount of cash in their kitty! In other poker tournaments, if you’re thrown out, you’ll have to leave the game empty-handed. But in this game, if you’re thrown out then you can win the game by winning cash amounts. So, poker players definitely like playing this version of the game because there’s no loss in this game variation.   

High range of variations in the game 

In normal poker tournaments, you can’t expect various versions of the game. But when it comes to knockout tournaments, then you can get an ample number of options. Starting from classic, progressive, super knockouts, turbo and hyper-turbo, you can choose from all the available options.  

Good amount of cash prizes 

One of the advantages of playing a knockout tournament is huge amounts of cash prizes are available once the player reaches the final table. In the majority of cases, while playing poker games online, it is not possible to win the game and get any cash prizes. So, if you’re playing the game with the thought of getting some cash prizes, then knockout tournaments are the best option for you.  

Happy Playing !!

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5 Fun Facts About Poker That’ll Blow Your Mind

5 Fun Facts About Poker That’ll Blow Your Mind

When thousands and millions of intelligent minds get together, they can easily embark on a journey of playing poker online. The popularity of poker globally shows that the game is not only played for money but also for the enhancement of personal thinking skills. More than money, the skills factors involved in the game are more interesting and thrilling.  

Although the concept of online poker is new, however, the game has been in existence for the last 200 years or even more. Since it’s such an old game, hence there’s a certain fun fact that you might not be knowing about the game! Online poker India has become excessively popular after the introduction of different poker apps. Playing the game will become more interesting if you get to know these fun facts before the game. 

Read on to know more. 

Poker Trivia 1: Only 20 cards were used during the old times 

How many cards are involved in real money poker nowadays? The obvious answer is 52. However, in the good old days, the story was different. At that time there were no online poker sites in India. Rather the game involved only 4 players and 20 cards. each player was given 5 cards and betting used to start with the best hand. However, from the year 1834, the concept of playing the game using 52 cards were taken into account!  

Poker Trivia 2: Longest duration for a poker game 

We’re currently into a fast-paced world. But online poker has changed the face of the game. However, there are still some mad poker players who like playing the game for days, months and even years. If you feel this is unreal, then please note that the longest till date poker tournament was played for almost 8 and a half years. Yes, you heard it right! This historic game was played in The Brid Cage Theatre in Arizona and it began in the year 1881. The minimum ticket price for this tournament was $1000 and it went on from eight years, five months and three days!  

Poker Trivia 3: Gold coins in traditional poker games 

Real money poker always existed. Even before the online poker and cash prizes, there was gold coins and chips involved in poker game. In the earlier days as the poker chips were not available and also the rules of the game were not very clear, hence gold coins and gold chips were introduced as a part of stakes and winnings in the game.  

Poker Trivia 4: Originations of the poker game 

How did poker origin? This fact is not highly confirmed till date. However, there’re people who have mentioned that in the 10th century there had been a Chinese emperor who used to play domino card, a game which was very close to poker. Then again there’re few who argues to the fact that the game of poker got its name from Poque which is a German game having the same types of rules.  

Poker Trivia 5: Official broadcast of poker tournament 

Before poker games online came into existence, poker used to be broadcasted in the television. In 1973 the first poker broadcasting started with the world series of poker which took place in Las Vegas. Starting with this broadcast the rest of the games till date are viewed globally by all poker lovers in different platforms.  

Happy Playing!!

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4 Strange Similarities Between Online Poker and Stock Market Trading

Is Playing Online Poker is Only About Winning Cash Prizes?

Whenever you start a game the first thing that comes to your mind is – win or lose! The competitive world has made us all highly competitive in nature and all we can think is about either winning or losing a game rather than enjoying the entertaining factors involved with the games. Poker tournaments are a similar category of game that makes people more competitive in nature.  

However, losing a certain game of poker doesn’t necessarily make you a bad player. While playing poker online, you came come across many diverse situations. You might get a rouge opponent or maybe unlucky with the cards. So, if you lose, remember that it was not your day!  

Sulking and giving up on the gameplay, won’t make you a better player later. Unlike other physical games, poker is a mind game. Hence, good amount of patience, logical skills, reasoning ability and emotional control is very much necessary for a person to be a good poker player.  

In case you’re looking beyond the win and lose part, then please read on to know more.  

Poker makes you emotionally strong 

If you’re an emotional fool, then your life will be full of hurdles. Poker will teach you to be patient and handle your life’s decisions without any emotional attachment.  While playing poker you’ve to stay focused and be judgmental. If you think that making sensitive decisions will help you get through the hurdles of life, then you’re wrong. Start playing poker online and you’ll be amazed the way the game changes your emotional wellbeing. 

It’s an option to learn new skills 

Poker is not about winning cash all the time! It’s also about learning new skills which you might have not known even existed in you. Rules of playing poker games online are more or less the same in all poker apps. However, as you embark on the journey of becoming a pro poker player, you will learn mathematical calculations, probability, permutations, and combinations and also develop high-end analytical skills. If you lack concentration skills, poker is the right game for you! It will definitely help you develop your focus on things!  

Develops never give up attitude  

Did you know that the longest ever poker tournament was played for around 5 years? It’s like an addiction that draws the poker players towards the game They keep on playing and playing for days and months without ever giving up on the game. So, real money poker definitely develops a positive attitude and helps in developing a spirit of competitiveness in the individuals who are engaged in the gameplay. Never give up attitude is the one that makes a person a professional player. If you want to be one, then you need a high degree of resilience and a positive attitude to maintain your status in the game. 

In short, poker is not about money only! If you win and get the money that’s incredible. Even if you lose, don’t be disheartened. You’ve definitely learned something from the game as well. 

Happy Playing !!

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Top 4 Playing Styles for Online Poker Players