Since the time online poker mania started, live poker took a backseat. After several twists and turns in the road, online poker has finally overcome the grey areas and is being widely played now. From the development point of view, developers and companies must’ve excelled in perfecting the flaws of online poker apps thereby producing some of the best online poker sites.
However, the days of miseries continue for the players! As silly as it may seem, this list of challenges is truly a curse for any good poker player who’s always engaged in different poker tournaments.
Let’s have a look at some of the botherations that are hindering the ultimate growth of this platform.
Poor internet connections
How would you feel, if your connectivity gets cut at the moment when your full-house cards are on the verge of beating the flush? Well, the world seems crushing down for online poker players when such instances happen.
However, this is an unavoidable situation. Even the best online poker players have faced this situation at least once. Internet failures are an uncontrollable challenge. Let’s face it. You can blame your service provider. You can scream your heart out. But you can’t predict when it will happen. So, deal with it!
Unable to read the opponent’s expressions
Is your opponent bluffing? How would you know? You’re playing online poker in India! There’s no way you can read the expressions of your opponent. It is again an unavoidable part of this platform. Until you’re a complete experienced player, playing without viewing the opponent can be a hectic process.
Dealing with unknown players
It’s not that in live poker you’re going to deal with your friends, but in case of the online ones, you’ll get a variety of poker players who can sometimes drive you crazy. Especially dealing with the newbies and the addictive ones become painful! So, if you feel poker online is easy in comparison to the live games, then you’re wrong. Because at the casinos you get the professional players and can enjoy the game.
High-stress levels
Poker is a mind game. So, stress is an essential part of the same. But with online poker tournaments make people stressed out more. Do you know why? Because the game is always with you. This means that the urge of getting back the lost money works continuously in the brains of the players. What do they do? They keep on playing. Keep on taking up the stress!
Poor rewards
Money and gifts that’s the best part of poker games. if the same is not there, then there’s no use of playing the game. Previously sites used to offer cashback and rewards to excite players. But now they’re more into getting users and grabbing as much money as possible from them. So, what’s the headway for the game? Nothing.
Unsuccessful bluffing
Yes, this is the most challenging part. Bluffing works in an awesome way when you’re able to see your opponents. When you’re playing with a virtual player, bluffing becomes unsuccessful most of the time. Bluffing is a lifesaver for all poker players. How are you going to win the game without faking it? Good question! Winning becomes highly questionable in the case of online poker tournaments.
Highly addictive
When you know that the game is always with you on your mobile phone and you can start playing the same anytime or anywhere, then the urge of playing the game gets high. And if you’ve won one or two games, then the thought of getting money makes you more addicted to the game. No need for casino visits, no expenses – just play poker whenever you feel like playing.
Happy Playing !!
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