Online Poker Can Make You a Better Investor

online poker

The game of online poker goes beyond depending on luck. It is also the game of calculative skills and strategic thinking, artful dodging and mysterious expressions.

Take a look how you can be a better investor playing the online poker game. Read on:

Planned risks

Poker is all about taking calculated risks. Depending on your hand that you have been dealt, the level of tournament, your bankroll you take planned risks in hope of winning more. Same skill can be applied to investing as well. Every investment you make has some risk attached to it. The key to a successful investment is taking planned risks to gain maximum profits and minimum losses.  Big gains be it investment or online poker real money come from well-timed planned risks.

Lasting thinking

A successful poker player is the one who is focused on long term goals and is patient. In short term, luck may play a role but in the long term, skill plays an important role. But the key to success is to stick around and persevere.

Like in a game of best online poker, investment too requires patience and can take years to yield any tangible results.

Knowing your numbers

Knowing your numbers is important in both poker and investing. Good poker players know the odds, outs and are good at number crunching. Same can be applied to investing as well. A good investor knows the fundamental analysis and technical analysis for their stocks.

Keep emotions in check

Keeping emotions in control is important in both investing and a game of poker. A lot of poker players get angry or frustrated when they are losing in short term and it ends up costing them dearly. In the same way, keeping emotions in check is important while investing to maximize ROI.

Ability to read opponents/market

A successful poker player is one who knows his opponents and his playing strategies. He is able to read opponents’ actions, cards that might be drawn and strategy the players will employ.

Similarly, a successful investor is the one who is knowledgeable about the market and gauging trends of the market

Studying the game/markets

Players make time and effort to study the game when they are not playing.  Similarly, investors too need to invest time in studying the market when they are not investing.

Maintaining discipline

Discipline is important whether in game or stock market. Good players/investors are disciplined and play within their means.

Perhaps the most important investment lesson a game of poker teaches is knowing when to quit.

Happy playing!

Read More:

  1. 5 Ways Poker Can Reduce Stress
  2. 6 Habits of Successful Poker Player