If you’re a seasoned online poker player, then you’re aware of the probabilities, rationalities, and mathematical calculations that you need to make while playing poker. But do you know that there’s more to it! Getting into the heads of the players and unveil their plans – that’s what makes you a good poker player.
This becomes more crucial when you’re playing poker games online. What is your opponent thinking? Which are the cards that they are holding? What are their thoughts about you? These questions and lots more – while you struggle to find the answers to these questions, your opponent might just end up winning the game!
Yes, winning real money from poker sites in India is not that easy. There are levels of thinking capabilities, that every poker player needs to develop. If you get stuck at level 1 of your thoughts, then you’ll do no good. Here’s a quick look at the major thinking levels for every online poker player.
Level 1: Own cards analysis
What would a rational person think as soon as the cards are dealt with? He’ll probably think about the cards he has! Yes, that’s the level 1 thought process expected from every player playing poker online. No bluffing, no strategizing, simply concentrating on the cards in hand. Beginners are generally stuck at this level of thinking. This is a really important level. Here you get to think about the ways you’ll arrange your cards all through the game.
Level 2: Opponent’s cards analysis
When the player starts thinking about the cards that the opponent might have, it means the player has grown up! If not, then you definitely need a few bad beats. This level of thinking will come naturally to you. How will you conjure up the card’s arrangements? By knowing the cards of your opponents. While playing for real money in poker, if you can’t guess the hands of your opponent then winning becomes difficult.
Level 3: Opponent’s thought analysis
Now, this is an interesting level. Once you reach the same, you’ll become a professional. Players who’re winning are majorly the ones using their brains at this level. This is a professional level where you’ll start thinking about the thoughts that your opponents must be having! Sounds complicated? It is in reality a very complicated level. But to win cash, you need to use your brains! Poker tournaments are the best place where this level of thinking is required. You’ll be able to bluff better if you can guess the right kind of thought process of your opponent.
Level 4: Alteration of cards by opponents
This is where the fun begins. Let’s say you’re an experienced player and you’re playing against an age-old one. Then this level will definitely come where the opponent will also try to think about your cards. Just the way you’re thinking about their cards, they’ll also try to find the ones which you have! However, even the best online poker players don’t need to think at this level until they’re playing for high stakes.
Level 5: Strategy making phase
This is the last level in any poker game. Here you need to strategize the opportunities to make the most out of it. The process will go on and on. However, at every level, the players are required to use their brains and take as many rational decisions as possible.
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