Poker — The Common Sense Approach

Some of the best online poker strategies to which you can subscribe are actually the simplest. They are, common sense strategies, if you will. At the onset, they may seem incredibly self-explanatory, they may even seem almost painfully obvious — and, indeed, they are. But you would be amazed at how many people need to be told about the little common sense strategies we will be discussing in the next few weeks. And hey, you never know — they might help you out a little, as well. 

There is one fundamental thing you need to understand: you do not have to play every single hand. In fact, you should not do that, under any circumstances. Your opponents are not going to be impressed by your ability to play even the most dreadful hands. In fact, they will likely take advantage of it, because that trait is a definite flaw. 

Do not be afraid to fold 

By doing so, especially on those crap hands, you will make yourself seem safely unpredictable — you won’t seem like a hot headed wild card, but neither will you seem like a player who plays it so safe, you actually become boring. 

This will be a rule for some, a calculated strategy for others. Some of you will find it explanatory, and some of you may actually get mad at me for saying it. Do not throw things at the computer screen. They won’t hurt me and the results will make you very sad. We are just the messenger here. 

No drinking while playing 

Whether your aim is to flop a wheel, flop quad kings — flop anything, really — you have to remember one thing: drink and online poker real money do not go together.  

And, okay, maybe that’s a slight exaggeration. How about this amendment? Don’t get completely hosed while you’re playing online poker India. A couple of drinks are no problem — unless you’re a lightweight, and a few beers will do the trick. 

But do remember that you cannot really afford to be completely lax and relaxed. Whether you are playing in an online game or at a bricks and mortar casino, being drunk is going to impede your game. 

Of course, if you’re just playing with friends, a little tipsiness is totally allowed — but we wouldn’t recommend it unless you really trust your buddies. 

Happy playing!