5 Awesome Tips for Successful Multi-Tabling in Online Poker

Ask any poker player what’s the best thing about online poker? The option of playing at multiple tables! If you’re a fast-paced poker player, then  playing poker online at multiple tables will sound attractive to you. With this, you can easily get rid of slow games and sloppy deals. Why people like playing at multiple tables. Simple! Because of the chances of winning increases. If you lose ta one table, you’ll probably win at the other. Or, if luck permits, you may win at both. 

If you’re not multi-tabling now, then follow these tips and start learning the strategies. Why lose out on money when you’ve got the chance? 

Undeniably it’s profitable, but playing such poker games online like a newbie will fetch you no money. So, check out these tips and grab as much money as you can from different tables. 

Tip 1: Master one table before proceeding for multi tables 

In the thirst for getting money, many poker players start playing 6 tables at a time. But mostly this results in financial losses rather than gains. If you’re a beginner than playing at one table is advisable. But for a professional’s maximum of 3 tables at a time is logical. Taking in more than that can be too much! There’s no need to get overconfident while play poker online. The aim is to play more tables and get money in the bucket. Remember, slow but steady wins the race. 

Tip 2: Keep cash games and tournaments apart 

This is very important, try to stick to the same format of poker. If you’re planning on playing poker tournaments and cash games altogether, then definitely you’re a fool. This can be confusing. Strategies and rules are different. After all, you’re a human being, don’t forget that. You’ll make grave mistakes if you keep on switching in between the games.

Tip 3: Be focused and keep away distractions 

It will take time to get into the habit of playing multiple tables. So, if you think you can binge watch and play poker online at multiple tables, then you’re wrong. Say no to distractions. Stay focused. Concentrate on the tables. Make up your strategies smartly and play without any distraction. Most importantly avoid miss clicks. While playing more than one table miss clicks are very common. 

Tip 4: Play within your limits 

Trying to take in more than what you’re capable of, is not smartness. If your limit is of 2 tables, then make sure you’re within your boundaries. Once you opt for an autopilot for decisions, your game is gone out of your hands. In very rare cases, the player gets money by taking help from autopilot options. Playing poker at multiple tables is a great option, only if you have the capability! 

Tip 5: Keep good visibility of tables 

You’ll find flaunters often stacking tables on top of each other. They think they’ll accumulate more tables in that left-over space. High confidence levels! If you want to win, then don’t follow this. Keep your tables visible so that you can conjure up a quick strategy as soon as needed. While playing online poker, tiles are a favorable option for getting a complete look at the tables that you’re playing. 

Final thoughts 

Want to be a master of multiple tables at online poker? Only the smart, patient and focused ones can be the same. Be calm. Add tables slowly and rely on hotkeys for avoiding any misclicks. 

  Happy Playing !!

Read More :

8 Key Tips for Heads Poker Online

Why Play A Tight and Disciplined Game of Poker?

You can’t play poker with a light-headed mentality. Yes, that’s true. The ones who have taken poker lightly are the ones who have not succeeded in the game in the long run. Poker is a mind game. If you think a mere stroke of luck is enough to make you win real money  poker , then you’re completely wrong. 

Practice, practice, and practice – that’s the key to becoming a strong poker player. For being a pro in the field of poker you need to learn to play poker in a disciplined manner. Buy playing a tight poker is hard! It might sound theoretically easy, but it’s really hard! 

It means you need to be patient, fully into the game, and sit for hours on the online poker sites and fold every hand before you get a flop. 

For the ones who are not aware of what tight poker is, read on, and get enlightened. 

What is a tight game of poker? 

In simple words, when you restrict yourself from playing many hands, you’re playing a tight poker game. A tight poker player is generally very selective about the hands they play and the position from which they’re playing the hands. Some of the best online poker players that you’ll find are trained in playing tight poker games. 

A careful and measured approach – that’s what is essential in poker games online. If you behave like a loose poker player and jump about from one pot to another, then your chances of winning become zero. 

Why is tight and aggressive poker good? 

That’s because you get to play only the premium hands! Wondering about in different pots and playing loads of hands, doesn’t make you a good poker player. 

In the best online poker sites, you’ll find different types of poker players. Most of them being a novice and playing a loose hand. If you start playing into several hands, you may end up losing more money. 

In the case of tight poker, the player is more disciplined and choosier. They select the hands which are in a good position and premium range. You can make a mistake in that as well, and end up losing a lot of money. But the same won’t occur repeatedly. 

Hence, when you learn to play poker, you should start with a tight poker style. it’s beneficial from the viewpoint of the player. More money, fewer mistakes. 

Remember, aggression in playing a poker hand is essential because no one’s going to give up their money easily or without a fight. So, be patient, hold on to one single hand, and play in a disciplined manner. Your winning probability will be higher! 

If your poker game is exciting, then you’re playing it wrong 

This might sound weird, but if you’re playing an exciting game then certainly, you’re playing on the losing side. A tight poker player is always bored with the game since they have to sit for long hours and build up strategies to win the game.  

If you’re doing it in the right way, then there’s no stopping you.  

Happy Playing !!

Read More:
Poker Online and the Trick of Semi Bluff

6 Smart Online Poker Cheats That Every Player Needs to be Aware

Cheating is illegal. Yes, we all know that. But do we really follow the same? Cheating was always a part of online poker – now, before, and in the future! Some of them are simple, some are highly aggressive. You may not even know when you’ll suddenly get cheated. 

Before you face such humiliation in any online  poker tournament, here’s a quick recap of the most commonly practiced online cheating techniques. You may find the same names in different other blogs. But an easy explanation never hurts! 


It’s a perfectly made-up gameplay between two players. Although strictly banned in poker games online, however, it’s still a common practice. You may not find such cheaters in multi-table games. But when it’s a two-player game, you’ll find players offering you such things. In such cases, they share information over the phone or skype and not on online chat options. 

Multiple accounts 

This is a dangerous cheating technique. You’ll get pros in the game who maintains multiple real money accounts. Online poker rooms don’t permit more than one account for a person. However, cheaters always find a way out! Those alluring offers like “first-time deposit bonus” make people indulge in such activities. There can be cases where a player starts playing in several tables of the same tournament! Stop such cheaters from grabbing the bulk winnings! 


If you get hold of a robot to play on your behalf, then no one can stop you from winning! And that’s exactly what people do while playing poker online. Although this is a form of cheating, however, it’s very difficult to catch the real ones. So next time if you want to earn some real amounts of cash, then get hold of a robot! 


Now, this is a super confusing technique. Sometimes one player helps the other one in the same tournament by giving tips. How will you catch these? In playing poker online, it’s impossible to catch such cheaters. Very common and very easy strategy! Majorly this is used in the final phase. 

Superuser accounts 

What if you get to see the hidden cards of your opponent? This was a fairly old cheating strategy in live poker. If you’re thinking that this is impossible in poker online, then you’re wrong. A complete hand history and hidden cards all can now be revealed to the players from the stored server. Guess, there’s nothing that a cheater can’t do! 

Account selling 

Let’s say you’ve selected a table based on the statistics of a player. Obviously, you’ve chosen a weak one! But 30 minutes into the game, you’re amazed at the way this weak player is playing! Magic? Not always! Often weak players sell their seats to pros. It’s illegal in poker tournaments! But who cares! 


OK, so this article is not for you to become a pro cheater in online poker games. Rather it’s an eye-opener for players like you, who use their brains to play a fair game. Remember, that no site is completely free of cheaters. So, keep your eyes open when you’re at play. 

Happy Playing !!

Read More :

Online Poker – A Simple Guide for Game Beginners




6 Crucial Online Poker Pre-flop Mistakes To Be Avoided

Let’s say you’re an age-old poker player and is a know-it-all in online poker tournaments. Who can beat you then? Surely no one! But still, you’re losing out every match. 

When your only motive is to get real money from poker sites in India, any kind of mistake in the preflop can cost you a fortune. Poker seems an easy game in the beginning, but it gets harder. Although many beginners may make preflop mistakes while playing online real poker in India, however, with a few adjustments here and there, such mistakes can be avoided easily. 

Mistake 1: Wrong small blind tactics 

Don’t ever make the mistake of calling from the small blind! This will land you into trouble post-flop. If you want to save money in poker tournaments, then you just can’t afford to make this mistake. You can have a good chance of stealing dead money if you raise from the small blind position. 

Mistake 2: Passive play 

There are times when you’ll find players going passive. They might just do it to get you into a trap. Or to hide their cards! A small piece of advice: Don’t play real money poker in a passive way! If you are a natural player and call out for the raises on time, your win is a probable success. 

Mistake 3: Don’t fold cards too much 

Do you have the habit of folding your cards too much? Then you’re probably making a grave pre-flop mistake. Just because you’re stuck, doesn’t mean you should fold the hands! 

Mistake 4: No plan 

No pre-flop strategy means that you’re entering into a dead game. What to do in the pre-flop stage? Which are the right set of cards? If you know nothing, then your game is over. Poker games online are not as easy as they look. Before you start the game, fix up your strategies. A good poker player should know the difference between a bad hand and a stuck-up hand! 

Mistake 5: No idea of the position 

What is your position in the game? What is the range that you’re playing? You may not know but both are related. Your position will influence your range and vice versa. You need to check the number of players behind you. This is a smart pre-flop strategy. If they’re more then you’ll be playing a tighter range. 

Mistake 6: Don’t play tightly in big blind 

The big blind position is the most advantageous. Whenever you’re playing online poker, play very loose at the big blind. Playing too tight may land you into unnecessary trouble. Keep your cool. Play loose and defend your big blind position smoothly. 

Final thoughts 

Stop making mistakes at the beginning. Eventually, you’ll make lesser ones in the end! Rather than acting hurriedly during pre-flop, be consistent and fold when not sure! 

Last tip: Patience and Observance! That’s the trick that can make you a good player. Hope reading this article makes you a stronger player. Avoid these pre-flop mistakes and start winning at every game.   

Happy Playing !!

Read More :

Building the Ultimate Poker Online Bankroll




5 Tips for Choosing the Best Online Poker Table

Are you thinking of making online poker india your only source of income? Then, your first instinct should be to improve the table selection. In a casino, things become simple. Roam around different tables and take a moment to check the pros and newbies playing at different tables. 

However, online poker makes this difficult. It’s impossible to tell good or bad by having a look at the usernames. To win cash in real-time, you have to play against the weaker guys. How will you identify them while playing poker games online? 

Lucky for you, here are a few tips that will help you choose the right one. 

Rule 1: Try and select the weakest table

The weaker opponent you managed to get on the table, the better! Don’t let your ego come in between the game. Since you’re playing poker online, hence that’s the greatest advantage you can have! Check the player’s statistics before selecting the table. Weaker opponents will give you the opportunity of playing many pots! Just a little pressure and the opponent will give up. The game is all yours then! 

Rule 2: Avoid tables with aggressive players 

Be smart and avoid the tables with aggressive players. If you’re seated on a 9-player table and it’s almost full, then check the stats of the player sitting to your left. A tight player with a simple playing style can make you win pots. Just keep a note that he is sitting on your left! Now you know which table to select in an online  poker tournament

Rule 3: Start your table 

If in doubt, then start your table rather than joining in between. If you’re a pro, then whoever enters your table won’t matter much. It’s always a better strategy than entering an unknown table and losing the cash! One small tip: if you get too many players for your table, then be sure that players are considering you as a weak player. Don’t worry, that’s going to add to your advantage. 

Rule 4: Right time for the right table 

Playing at the right time is as important as selecting the right table. Poker games online have made things easier! People like playing anytime and at any point in the day. However, weekends are the best time. You’ll supposedly get different types of players and varied tables at this time of the week. Take a trial and error method and check out the most favorable days. 

Rule 5: Check the pre-flop stats of the players 

Ask any seasoned poker player, and they’ll tell you to get hold of the table with weakest preflop stats. You’ll get players who play a lot of hands. Then, there’re ones who have run behind the lost money! These are easy targets. They have very low patience. And will give up easily. Join tables with such players. Your winning probabilities will increase. 

Wrapping up…. 

It’s not always possible that you’ll come across such tables while playing poker online. However, try for a decent table. Although the game needs mind skills, the selection of a good table depends on luck. You can also change sites if you want. Keep your eyes open when you’re playing online poker games. 

Happy Playing !!

 Read More :

Poker Online – Playing Aces in Poker Texas Hold’em

4 Online Poker Skills to Make You Get Money from Blinds

Build your pot first and then start the game of any online poker tournaments. Playing the blinds wrong can make or break your game. Regardless of the hand that you’re playing, you’ll have to put in some amount of money in the pot. Although playing poker makes it difficult to win from the blinds, however, there’s always a way around. The strategy may seem a very small strategy, however, this can change your fate! 

Just a small edge – that’s where you need to capitalize on your blinds. Even the least ones will help you win poker tournaments. Check out these awesome tips to win money from blinds. 

Tip 1: Steal, steal and steal 

Stealing is an offense! But not in poker! The simplest way to mitigate the losses that you’ve incurred from the blind is to steal the dead money. But remember that your stealing strategy shouldn’t be aggressive. For poker games online, if you’re stealing from the small blind then try it out with a larger raise. 

Tip 2: Calculate pot odds expertly 

What is a pot odd? It is the relationship between the size of the pot and the size of the bet. Be smart and use the correct formula to get hold of the odds that are in your pot. If you want money from the blind, then this is important. Foronline pokerplayers, there’s good news! Install a pot odds calculator and get the perfect numbers. 

Tip 3: Learn to defend the big blind 

While playing poker online, there are many players who fold more often. If you’re one of them, then winning money is a dream for you! If you play passively, you’ll lose out more money. Fold you pre-flop instead of being passive. Then maybe, there’s a bit of a chance of getting money from blinds. Keep an eye on the professional poker players. You’ll find them pairing their pre-flop adjustment with assertive post-flop play. Defend like a champion and win loads and loads of cash in poker! There’s no stopping you. 

Tip 4: Practice aggressive check-raising 

If your opponent is bluffing or playing a weaker hand, then check-raising is your weapon to expose them.  

This strategy will help them, weak opponents, to fold the cards. Any person playing poker against you will start adjusting their game, as soon as you apply the check-raising strategy. What’s the positive side then? You can now play with their confidence level. one doubt in your opponent’s mind – game is yours! 

To recap… 

Best friend or worst enemy – blinds can be either of the ones. It’s you, who is going to make it the same. Learn these strategies and make your game simple. Be a good stealer and grab the chips whenever possible. Shake the confidence level of your opponents and stay deep-rooted into the game. Watch the others float over the surface and lose out on all their money in blinds! 

Poker is about smartness. If you know the right move for the right time, then you’ll be the star of the evening. 

Happy Playing !!

Read More:

8 Key Tips for Heads Poker Online





6 Easy Steps That Helps in Making a Professional Omaha Player

Any veteran poker player will be well-versed with Omaha poker games online. Undoubtedly the most exciting among different poker variants. If you know the rules, then a game of pot-limit Omaha will make your day. 

For the newbies, if you’re acquainted with the rules of Texas hold’em, then you’re already halfway into the Omaha game. Just keep in mind the two-fold winning strategy – 

  • Let all players fold their hands leaving you behind to win 
  • Have the best poker hands at the shutdown 

Get into the best online poker sites  and start a game of Omaha poker, the best possible five-card game – two-hole cards and three community cards will make you win the game smoothly! 

Follow these easy steps and become a pro in this game. 

Step 1: Draw a high card and become the dealer 

To become the dealer and start the game, you need to first draw out the highest-ranked card. Every player will get the opportunity of drawing a card but if you want the first hand into the game, then draw the card which has the highest rank. 

Step 2: Put the blinds out 

Make sure that the two players left to the dealer put in their blinds before you start the game. So, if you’re the dealer, be smart and keep your eyes open. If you’re not a first-time player, then you would probably know that the immediate player to the left of the dealer will put a small blind and the other one puts a bigger one. 

Step 3: Start the first betting round 

Now is the time to display the community cards. As soon as you present the flop to the players, the betting game in the clockwise direction. Check, call, or raise and allow the next player to do the same. The rules are the same for all Omaha games on maximum online poker sites

Step 4: Deal the turn 

Once you and all other opponents complete the first round of flop, discard the topmost card of the deck face-down and deal up another card face up to the flop. Popularly all  online poker playerscall this as a turn. With this, another new round begins. 

Step 5: Deal the river 

With the end of the previous round, the last and the final community card is dealt and the next round is started. Well, the process is simple and repetitive. The only catch is to know when to check, call, or raise! 

Step 6: Shutdown 

With the final card, face-up the river round begins. When this round starts, plan out your cards accordingly for a winning move. As soon as you complete the river betting round, you and your remaining players will enter into the showdown. What’s next? Well, a player knows the trick! The one with the highest-ranking poker hand will be the winner and will get all the cash. 

Poker is a game of twists and turns. Being witty can get you in an advantageous position in the game. Winning should be your sole focus. 

  Happy Playing !!

Read More:

Poker Online – Useful Online Etiquettes for Players

6 Amazing Female Poker Players of 2020

Card games are not for women – discrimination based on gender has always been prominent in every industry and sector.Online Poker tournaments were not an exception. However, 2020 has been a good year for the girls! Despite the traditional belief that poker is a man’s game, women are also taking the poker world by storm. 

Although a world series for poker is still away, however, girls are surely making a lot of money by playing poker online. To keep up the spirits of other girls who are willing to play poker, check out the list of a few international winners. 

1. Liv Boeree

She is a talented, intelligent, and a very impressive player. She is the only female poker player who has won many poker tournaments. Not only that, but she also has a degree of astrophysics in her name. If you’re into the world of poker, then Liv Boree is a common name that you should be knowing. Not only poker, but she is also a celebrity in the television industry. 

2.Joanne Liu 

Don’t let the distinctive hats and unconventional dressing style of Liu fool you! She’s been an exceptionally good player since 1996. She became 4th in a Limit Hold’em match and uses her Chinese gambling skills to play poker. Although initially, she was looking forward to a career in computer science. However, once cash started raining on her, she gladly accepted this as her fortune and career. 

3. Maria Constanza Lampropulos 

You might have heard her name in poker very seldom! She already has a great professional career. But as she played on, she got engrossed in the game. Maria entered the world of poker with her boyfriend, the famous poker player Ivan Luca. Since there was no looking back. One of her notified wins is the one in Nottingham over 7,000 people. Have a look at her playing videos and learn to play poker online successfully. 

4. Vanessa Rousso 

If you’re into poker, then you must’ve heard the name of Vanessa Rousso several times. Her poker skills have successfully landed her in the 8th spot in the Women’s All-time Money List. She is beauty coupled intelligence – rare but a dashing combination for a female poker player. Although she has no major titles to her name right now, that time is going to come soon! 

5. Vanessa Selbst 

After completing a smashing 12 years in poker games, she has the number 1 ranking in the Global Poker Index. Very popular and having a net worth of around $11.9 million, she is undoubtedly a tricky player. Opponents are of the opinion that it’s very difficult to win over Vanessa. She knows the right set of bluffs than can turn the game around. She is a very reckless and bold poker player and can teach you some smart moves for your poker games online. Check out her bluffs and you’ll know why she is famous. 

6. Annie Duke 

With a net worth of around USD 9 million in the bank, Annie is popularly known as the Duchess of Poker. Unlike others, she has made poker her career, profession, and passion. She thinks it’s a great initiative to help other novice players to get the tactics of the game in mind. For that, she has written books on poker strategies and instructions. Want to get some handy tips for poker online? Read her books. 

Happy Playing !!

Read More :

5 Common Texas Hold’em Flaws That Can Cost You A Fortune


Online Poker: Is It A Good Option for Poker Players?

What comes to your mind when you hear the word poker? Wall-mounted luminaires, black and white-tied attires, the girls in beautiful evening gowns, unlimited drinks, and a table of poker! That’s how a poker-playing scene has always been depicted in movies. 

However, these are all old schools now! Playing poker games online, while lying down in the comfort of your bed, is the new trend. 

Want to play poker in the middle of the night? Which casino will remain open for you? Gone are the days when people lived life with such uncertainties. Do you have a smartphone? Then, download poker from online poker sites and start playing anytime. 

No expenses, no casino trips, no carefully coordinated dress code – play the game for the sake of entertainment and win cash real-time. 

Before you dive into the exciting world of poker, check out some of the benefits that playing online pokeroffers. 

No hassle gaming option 

With multiple online poker tournaments  available at a click of your finger, searching for the nearest casinos can take a break! That’s the beauty of online poker games. You can play it anytime, anywhere, and under any circumstances. Stuck in a boring family gathering? Move into a corner and start playing. for girls, it’s a very convenient option, because they find it difficult to get over with their household chores and visit a casino for a round of cards! 

Promotions and bonuses 

What are you playing poker for? Apparently for money. If you play the game in a casino, you either win or lose. But, if you’re playing it online, then even if you lose, you’ll get attractive promotional offers, discounts, cash bonuses, and surprise gifts in your bag! Sounds good? Poker players are crazy about the same. Are you a newbie and not certain about the pro poker rules? Worry not! With poker games online, you’ll at least get the one-time registration amount in your wallet. 

Stress-free gaming platform 

Unlimited tension, edgy situations, last-minute strategies – all these equipped with drowsy effects of drinks and smokes can put you under winning stress if you play poker in a casino. In online games, you get to set up the environment. Music, lights, place, mood – you’re the boss of the game. so, sit back, relax, think straight, and focus before you play online poker to get real money. 

No excess money wastage 

Can you just walk into a casino and start playing the game? It’s a courtesy to get drinks and even offer some to the opponent while you’re at it. In short, to play a game of poker, you’re required to make excess expenses. Taxi charges, drink costs, snacks costs, dress costs – they keep cropping up. If your sole purpose is to play and win some real cash, then how does it matter whether it’s online or offline? 

Final words… 

It’s natural that compared to the live games, in an online game you get to play more hands. So, as a player, it’s a great platform for you to test and upgrade your playing skills. Why waste your time, money, and energy to walk up to a casino, when you can get the feel of the real game on your Smart Screen? Save your casino visit for a special evening! 

Happy Playing !!

Read More :

Facts About the Current Legal Status of Online Poker In India



The Psychology Behind the Need of Bluffing in Online Poker

If you want to win consistently in poker, then you need to bluff and you need to do it big! Whether it’s poker live or online poker, your lady luck will not be able to save you at the game, if you’re not a good bluffer. As soon as you’re able to convince others at the table that you have got a good hand, you can swing the game in the way you want it! 

Just bluff and do it professionally and correctly. A good poker player knows how hard it is to bluff and make others believe their version of the truth. You’ll be getting numerous tips on how to be a good bluffer and how to play poker professionally, but did you ever wonder about the importance of the same in the game of poker? 

If not, then read on to know more.

Purpose of bluffing in poker 

The majority of the good players of online poker in India are master bluffers and never miss out on an opportunity of creating a delusional atmosphere for the opponents in the game. Why would you bluff? 

For two reasons mainly. 

  1. To make the opponent assume that you’re having a better hand in comparison to the opponent 
  2. To make the opponent assume that you’re having a worse hand in comparison to the opponent 

Why should you lie to your opponent? Because the strategy behind the same is to make the opponent nervous, play with his mind, and make him take a wrong decision drastically. One wrong move by the opponent and your game is on! 

It can be difficult for poker live games. You need to be a real good actor to fake it! Have confidence and don’t let it show on your face. Remember, the person sitting in front of you is also an experienced player. One expression leak can expose your bluff to the other person. 

The psychology behind bluffing is to remain calm and restrict your reactions. Because it’s natural to start reacting as soon as you tell a lie straight on the face. 

However, players of some of the best online poker sites in India have the exposure of bluffing effortlessly because, in online poker, you and your opponent are not able to view each other!   


Things to keep in mind while bluffing 

Faking a fact and making it convincing is an art. Bluffing is the name of that art. There might be times when despite the best efforts, you’ll not be able to bluff. However, if you keep these simple tips in mind, you can succeed for most of it! 

  • Be confident while you’re doing it 
  • Keep your breathing and pulse intact 
  • Keep a calm mind 
  • Plan the bluff before executing the same 
  • Avoid any kind of stress and apprehensions 
  • Believe in the lie 
  • Don’t rush into the matter 
  • Keep an eye out for the opponent’s moves 

As the popular saying goes “Fake til you make it”. Bluffing is a consistent and integral part of poker games. Your mind is a powerful weapon, use it well and develop the game which will make you win fortunes.

Happy Playing !!

6 Reasons Why Millennials Are Hooked to Online Poker